Gary Oliver
Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7325
Jane has an extensive public law practice specialising in data protection, education, energy, environment (including environmental information), freedom of information, housing, human rights, licensing, local authorities, National Health Service, pensions, social security, transport, and immigration and asylum.
In the regulatory field, Jane’s work has involved energy regulation, housing, medical, healthcare and pharmaceuticals regulation, legal, accounting and financial services regulation, including issues concerning pensions, payments systems and prudential requirements, planning issues and transport regulation. She recently appeared as Junior Counsel for the North Sea transition Authority in Cox v Oil and Gas Authority.
In the field of environmental law, Jane advises on a wide range of issues including climate change issues and the impact of net zero, as well as issues relating to the environmental assessment, energy regulation and the environmental information regulations. She recently appeared as Junior Counsel for the North Sea Transition Authority in Cox v Oil and Gas Authority, and has appeared in a number of cases concerning environmental protection and Sites of Special Interest.
More generally, Jane also advises and represents clients on a number of issues concerning the application of the Freedom of Information Act and the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act. She appeared as Junior Counsel in the Upper Tribunal for UCAS in UCAS v Information Commissioner.
Jane’s human rights practice spans and complements the whole range of her public law work, including immigration, environmental law, planning matters and questions arising in regulatory proceedings.
Jane continues to be recognised as a leading junior in the latest editions of both the leading legal directories, Chambers UK and Legal 500, for her expertise in admin and public, and environment. Recent comments include:
Previous comments include:
Jane has an extensive public law practice specialising in data protection, education, energy regulation, environment (including environmental information), financial services and payments systems regulation, freedom of information, housing, human rights, local authorities and National Health Service, pharmaceuticals regulation, public procurement, social security, transport, and immigration and asylum. She appeared as Junior Counsel in the Court of Appeal in London Borough of Enfield v Secretary of State for Transport in a judicial review of the Secretary of State’s decision on a rail transport franchise specification; and recently appeared as Junior Counsel for the Regulator of Social Housing in Inclusion Housing v Regulator of Social Housing.
In the regulatory field, Jane’s work has involved utilities regulation, education, electoral law, energy, medical and health care regulation, including pharmaceuticals regulation, legal and financial services regulation, including issues concerning the Financial Ombudsman Service, planning issues and transport regulation, and the law on judicial appointments. She appeared as Junior Counsel for the Oil and Gas Authority in Cox v. Oil and Gas Authority.
In the field of environmental law, Jane has appeared in a number of cases concerning environmental protection and Sites of Special Scientific Interest, as well as advising on various related issues, such as the Habitats and Birds Directives, and waste management; and on climate change issues such as the net zero target. She also advises on the application of the Environmental Information Regulations, and appeared as Junior Counsel in the Supreme Court in Ofcom v Information Commissioner.
More generally, Jane also advises and represents clients on a number of issues concerning the application of the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act. She appeared as Junior Counsel in the Upper Tribunal for UCAS in UCAS v Information Commissioner.
Advocate: Jane is also an immigration case reviewer for Advocate, the pro bono charity of the Bar.
“Her forensic approach is really hard to beat; no stone is left unturned. She is also really constructive in her suggestions and fantastic in supporting the wider team.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“Jane is a dedicated adviser with an impressive breadth of expertise and legal knowledge. Her ability to digest documents at speed whilst picking up on all of the detail is fascinating.”
Chambers and Partners, 2023
“She has a lot of public law experience and a good feel for the points the judges will or won't like.”
Chambers and Partners, 2022
“She gets so close to the detail of the case - there really is no stone left unturned.”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“She has a very positive, collegiate way of working - she's open to discussion but sets out her views very clearly and concisely.”
Chambers and Partners, 2020
“She was fantastic in picking through the very technical details of the case and getting to grips with it.”
Chambers and Partners, 2020
“She is brilliant in terms of getting on top of a huge amount of detail.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“Grasps issues very quickly and produces most impressive written material.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She is brilliant in terms of getting on top of a huge amount of detail.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“She really thinks through the issues.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“Very thorough, hard-working and bright.”
Chambers and Partners, 2019
“A go-to barrister providing excellent strategic advice.”
Legal 500, 2018
“A valuable asset to any team and a pleasure to work with.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“Absolutely fantastic. She never leaves any stone unturned.”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“She is speedy in turning around the work and gives detailed, pragmatic and commercial advice.”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“Her advice is always underpinned with a grasp of commercial reality”
Legal 500, 2016
“Can assimilate detailed factual matters and apply them to a complex regulatory regime to give clear and practical advice.”
Legal 500, 2015
Junior counsel to Oil and Gas Authority in the High Court in judicial review of the authority’s strategy.
Junior Counsel to Enfield in the High Court and the Court of Appeal in judicial review of the Secretary of State’s decision on a rail transport franchise specification.
Counsel for third party in challenge to First Tier Tribunal’s decision on disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Advising regulator (as Junior Counsel) on conduct of an investigation under the Competition Act 1998.
Counsel for local authority in judicial review challenge to decision on provision of services under the Care Act.
Junior Counsel to GEMA in the Competition and Markets Authority in case concerning an appeal against GEMA’s price control decision for electricity distribution network operators.
Advising local authority on scope of powers under the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970.
Counsel in case concerning judicial review challenge to a decision on a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Advising in case concerning a decision to license a pharmacist under the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations.
Advising on a potential challenge by third parties to a public authority’s decision to release information under FOIA.
Junior Counsel for UCAS in appeals to the First Tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal against decision of Information Commissioner concerning the scope of FOIA.
Counsel for HFEA in case concerning the posthumous storage of sperm under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 and Embryology (Statutory Storage Period for Embryos and Gametes) Regulations 2009.
Counsel for a Clinical Commissioning Group in judicial review challenge to a decision on charging overseas visitors for NHS Services.
Counsel for Interested Party pharmaceutical company in judicial review challenge to a decision by NHS England to enter into a lease agreement.
Acting for pharmaceutical companies in judicial review challenges to decisions of Primary Care Trust and National Health Service Litigation Authority regarding applications for inclusion in the pharmaceutical list.
Junior Counsel for Bourne Leisure Ltd, appearing at pre inquiry meeting.
Acting as Junior Counsel in international arbitrations, involving public and public international law issues.
Counsel for Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry in appeal against decision of Information Commissioner concerning disclosure of pricing information.
Junior Counsel for Ofcom in Information Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in case concerning the effect of the Environmental Information Regulations and the application of the public interest test. Counsel in remitted appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.
In the field of environmental law, Jane has appeared in a number of cases concerning environmental protection and Sites of Special Scientific Interest, as well as advising on various related issues, such as the Habitats and Birds Directives, and waste management; and climate change issues such as the net zero target. She also advises on the application of the Environmental Information Regulations, and appeared as Junior Counsel in the Supreme Court in Ofcom v Information Commissioner.
“An approachable and responsive junior who has extensive expertise in information requests for environmental issues.”
Legal 500, 2023
“Approachable and responsive and knowledgeable, she has real niche expertise in information requests for environmental issues.”
Legal 500, 2022
“Fantastic on environmental stuff; she's spot on in her advice and it's appreciated that she is very honest about her capacity and manages expectations well.”
Chambers and Partners, 2021
“So solid, silks are nervous to be on the other side of her.”
Legal 500, 2019
“Thorough and incisive. No stone is left unturned.”
Chambers and Partners, 2018
“Recommended for environmental protection cases, as well as coastal and Sites of Special Scientific Interest matters.”
Legal 500, 2018
“She can master great swathes of technical detail and still be precise about the details of the brief”
Chambers and Partners, 2017
“Thorough and incisive, she leaves no stone unturned.”
Chambers and Partners, 2016
“Impressive at assessing complex situations and highly recommended for nature conservation work”
Legal 500, 2016
“She is efficient and popular with Natural England for their work.”
Chambers and Partners, 2016
Junior counsel to Oil and Gas Authority in the High Court in judicial review of the authority’s strategy.
Junior Counsel for Bourne Leisure Ltd, appearing at pre inquiry meeting.
Advising clients on information requests, and on responses to information requests, including requests for environmental information under the Environmental Information Regulations, and investigations by the Information Commissioner.
Junior Counsel for Ofcom in Information Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in case concerning the effect of the Environmental Information Regulations and the application of the public interest test. Counsel in remitted appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.
Jane’s human rights practice spans and complements the whole range of her public law work, including immigration, environmental law, planning matters and questions arising in regulatory proceedings.
Counsel in case concerning judicial review challenge to a decision on a Site of Special Scientific Interest, including a claim for breach of property rights under Article 1 of the First Protocol of the Convention.
Counsel for HFEA in case concerning the posthumous storage of sperm under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 and Embryology (Statutory Storage Period for Embryos and Gametes) Regulations 2009.
Counsel for applicant in judicial review claim concerning refugee status and family members.
Jane regularly advises on data protection, privacy and freedom of information issues, including environmental information. She appeared as Junior Counsel in the Supreme Court in Ofcom v Information Commissioner , and in the Upper Tribunal for UCAS in UCAS v Information Commissioner.
Counsel for third party in challenge to First Tier Tribunal’s decision on disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Advising third parties on potential challenge to a public authority’s decision to release information under FOIA.
Junior Counsel for UCAS in appeals to the First Tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal against decision of Information Commissioner concerning the scope of FOIA.
Counsel for Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry in appeal against decision of Information Commissioner concerning disclosure of pricing information.
Advising clients on responses to information requests, including requests for environmental information, and on investigations by Information Commissioner
Junior Counsel for Ofcom in Information Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in case concerning the effect of the Environmental Information Regulations and the application of the public interest test. Counsel in remitted appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.
Jane advises on a range of EU law issues including EU energy legislation, competition, public procurement including transport procurement, state aids, the effect of the data protection legislation and the Directive on access to environmental information, environmental protection directives, freedom of movement, and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts regulations.
Junior Counsel to GEMA in the Competition and Markets Authority in case concerning an appeal against GEMA’s price control decision for electricity distribution network operators.
Junior Counsel for Ofcom in Information Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in case concerning the effect of the Environmental Information Regulations and the application of the public interest test. Counsel in remitted appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.
Jane acted as Junior Counsel for the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority in British Gas Ltd v GEMA in the Competition and Markets Authority, in a case concerning an appeal against the authority’s price control decision for electricity distribution network operators. She has also acted as Junior Counsel in the international arbitration field involving issues of public and public international law as well as commercial law.
Jane has also acted and advised in a number of cases involving contractual disputes and sale and supply of goods and services.
Jane’s advisory public work also frequently raises commercial issues such as questions relating to confidentiality, corporate personality, and the protection of consumer interests and property rights.
Jane’s interests in this field have led to her instruction in cases dealing with EU and competition law; insurance; company law; conflict of laws and public procurement.
Jane’s work in freedom of information frequently involves her in issues relating to commercial confidentiality, breach of confidence, intellectual property rights and competition issues.
Advising regulator (as Junior Counsel) on conduct of an investigation under the Competition Act 1998.
Junior Counsel to GEMA in appeal against the authority’s price control decision for electricity distribution network operators.
Junior Counsel in UNCITRAL arbitrations – part of the counsel team.
Jane’s regulatory practice includes advising and acting both for regulatory authorities and for other parties. She has advised on various questions relating to financial services regulation, including insurance and payments regulation, and has also advised and acted in matters concerning the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Jane was also involved in the Office of Fair Trading’s work on bank charges, and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 and EU Directive on unfair terms in consumer contracts. She has also advised on issues relating to building societies regulation.
BA (Cantab), MBA (Lond)
VAT registration number: 662508729
Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board
Gary Oliver
Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7325
Derek Sutton
Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7327
Adam Sloane
Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0) 207 822 7326
Dean Tolman
+44 (0) 207 822 7331
Billy Brian
+44 (0) 207 822 7339
Marc Armstrong
+44 (0) 207 822 7330
Adam Fuschillo
+44 (0) 207 822 7329
Danny Compton
+44 (0) 207 822 7338
Sophie Reeve
+44 (0) 207 822 7324
Toby Dennison
+44 (0) 207 822 7328
Daniel Higgins
+44 (0) 207 822 7322
Lilly-Grace Hilliard
+44 (0)20 7822 7234