Emma is currently on sabbatical and is not accepting any instructions. For any enquiries, please contact the clerks.

Emma Dixon is a highly rated human rights, public law, regulatory practitioner with particular expertise in, and passion for, discrimination and equality law.

Emma undertakes public law, equality and human rights challenges in a range of areas including: charities; civil liberties; commercial JR; discrimination and equality; end of life issues; EU law and Brexit; healthcare; NHS issues; regulatory and professional disciplinary matters; religious organisations; the regulation of the Internet, radio & TV broadcasting; telecommunications regulation; and transport.

Emma has extensive experience of advising central and local Government and other public bodies. She is a member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (‘EHRC’) A panel of counsel, and also sits as a Legally Qualified Chair for the MPTS (which makes independent decisions about whether doctors are fit to practise medicine).

Emma’s clients include a broad range of private clients (including a number in the music and entertainment sector); third sector bodies (including charities and NGOs, both large and small); and public bodies (icluding: the Bar Standards Board, the Charity Commission, the Environment Agency, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the General Medical Council, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, the Human Dignity Trust, the Independent Police Complaints Commission, Ofwat, the Royal College of Pathologists, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal).

She is recognised as a leading junior in the latest editions of both the leading legal directories, Chambers UK and Legal 500, for her expertise in administrative and public, environment and professional discipline. Recent quotes include:

  • "A phenomenally bright junior."- Legal 500, 2024
  • "So clever; she is a go-to counsel for advice on complex matters."- Chambers & Partners, 2024

Previous quotes include:

  • "She is brilliant, knowledgeable and also has an extremely high level of client service."- Legal 500, 2023
  • "She's great to work with, very approachable and very clever."- Chambers UK, 2023
  • "She is technically excellent, very responsive, and gets to the nub of the issue really quickly. Emma is an intellectual giant."- Chambers UK, 2023

Emma undertakes a range of pro bono activities. She has undertaken work on the ELAAS (Employment Law Appeal Advice) scheme and for Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit) and also carries out a range of mentoring activities (notably with students at the University of Westminster as well as via the Bar Council Discrimination Law Mentoring Scheme and Maternity Mentoring Scheme). She has also provided legal and other support to a number of environmental campaigns, notably in relation to the climate emergency.



Public & Regulatory

Emma acts for both claimants and defendants in a wide variety of cases, ranging from environmental judicial review to discrimination law challenges and professional disciplinary matters before the Administrative Court and in specialist tribunals.

Emma’s public law practice covers a wide range of areas and interests including in particular: advertising; biodiversity; charities; the climate emergency; coroners and inquests; discrimination and equality; ecology and the natural environment; healthcare and end of life; internet regulation and new technologies; planning; and the regulation of broadcasting and telecommunications.

In the regulatory law field, Emma has particular expertise in the following areas: Advertising Standards Authority cases; charities (including appearances before the Charity Tribunal and Upper Tribunal both for and against the Charity Commission); environmental regulation; EU law and Brexit; healthcare (including cases involving healthcare regulators in the field including the PSA, as well as a number of Royal Colleges); HFEA issues; legal regulators (including cases for the BSB, the SRA and the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal); police (Emma has acted for both HMIC and the IPCC); pharmacies regulation; and internet/telecoms regulation (including cases relating to action by the ICO, Ofcom, the Phone Standards Authority and the Phone-Paid Services Authority).

Emma has a particular interest in cases involving the NHS, including NHS funding; and end-of-life treatment and care.


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Professional Discipline

Emma has many years’ experience acting for and against regulators, particularly in the medical/healthcare and legal professional fields. She also sits as a legally qualified chair of the MPTS which takes independent decisions as to whether doctors are fit to practise medicine.


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EU Law

Emma is an EU law and Brexit specialist with many years of experience of EU law in diverse fields including discrimination law, environmental law, mutual recognition of qualifications, freedom of establishment, free movement and State Aid. Emma has also been involved in a number of cases concerning general principles of EU law including the landmark case of Cooper v Attorney General [2011] QB 976, which considered the extent of Francovich liability on the part of a UK court. Emma has also been instructed by the UK Government in a number of ECJ cases.


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Civil Liberties & Human Rights

Emma is a human rights practitioner who has appeared before the ECtHR and the ECJ as well as arguing human rights and discrimination law points before a wide variety of domestic courts and tribunals. In the human rights field, Emma has particular breadth and depth of experience in cases involving the right to a fair trial (under Article 6 ECHR), the right to freedom of expression (Article 10 ECHR), and the right to

non-discrimination in the enjoyment of human rights (under Article 14 ECHR). In the discrimination law field Emma has extensive experience of giving advice and arguing cases relating to: disability discrimination and reasonable adjustments; transgender rights; religious equality; pregnancy and surrogacy; and the right to a fair trial without discrimination. Emma enjoys taking a creative and proactive approach to dispute resolution and has for example assisted in negotiated settlements of a number of cases with multiple claimants in the fields of disability and age discrimination. She also has special expertise in equality cases involving the entertainment industry, the music industry, event planning, social media, and broadcasting. Emma takes a particular interest in cases involving the balancing of competing rights (such as, for example, in the case of religion and sexual orientation). She has expertise in the equality law human rights aspects of Internet regulation (including the draft Online Safety Bill) and the liabilities of social media platforms (including under EU law).


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Emma has for many years specialised in equality law, with significant expertise in all areas of this subject including challenges relating to discrimination on grounds of disability, pregnancy and surrogacy, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation and transgender status, under the Equality Act 2010 as well as under relevant provisions of EU law and under the ECHR. She takes a particular interest in new and developing areas of discrimination law, for example in relation to: the regulation of Internet service providers (including under the draft Online Safety Bill); the topic of digital exclusion; and the discriminatory impacts of the pandemic.


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Emma has longstanding and very extensive experience of employment law, in Employment Tribunals and in the EAT. She is a member of the ELAAS (Employment Lawyers Appeals Advice) scheme (providing pro bono representation to appellants in the EAT) and has also assisted the ELIPS scheme (providing ‘clinic’style pro bono advice and assistance at the Central London Employment Tribunal). She has particular expertise in discrimination law (including sex discrimination; equal pay; disability discrimination; gender reassignment and trans issues; sexual orientation (and civil partnerships); age discrimination and religion or belief discrimination).


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Emma has longstanding experience of environmental law in diverse fields. She now takes a particular interest in the biodiversity and climate emergencies and the provision of legal support for activists in the field.


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BA Hons (Cantab)


  • EHRC ‘A’ Panel of Counsel (appointed 2019).
  • Bar Standards Board APEX (Advisory Panel of Experts), Equality and Diversity Law Expert (appointed 2016; reappointed 2020).
  • Completed training as an End of Life Doula with Living Well Dying Well/End of Life Doula UK (2021). 
  • Postgraduate studies: Coroners and Inquests (taught by the former Chief Coroner), Kings College London (2019); Bioarchaeology, Birbeck, University of London (2020).   

Selected earlier reported cases

Public & Regulatory

  • R (Tate & Lyle) v Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change [2011] ACD 92
  • R (Medical Justice) v SSHD [2011] 1 WLR 2852
  • R (Age UK) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2010] ICR 260
  • Isle of Anglesey CC v Welsh Ministers [2010] QB 163
  • R (Buglife) v Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation [2009] Env LR 18
  • R (Director of Revenue and Customs Prosecutions) v CCRC [2007] 1 Cr App R 30
  • R (Da Silva) v DPP [2006] Po. L.R. 176
  • Christmas v Hampshire CC [1998] ELR 1

Civil Liberties & Human Rights

  • Green v Independent Police Complaints Commission [2016] EWHC 2078 (Admin)
  • Human Dignity Trust v Charity Commission [2015] WTLR 789
  • President of the Methodist Conference v Preston [2013] ICR 833, [2013] UKSC 29 (Supreme Court)
  • R (Age UK) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2010] ICR 260
  • R (Garnham & Harrison) v Secretary of State for Health (2009) 12 CCL Rep 355, [2009] ACD 61
  • Kay v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2008] 1 WLR 2723
  • R (Director of Revenue and Customs Prosecutions) v CCRC [2007] 1 Cr App R 30
  • R (Da Silva) v DPP [2006] Po. L.R. 176

EU & Competition

  • R (ClientEarth) v Secretary of State [2015] 1 CMLR 55 (ECJ); [2015] PTSR 909 (Supreme Court and ECJ)
  • Bollacke v Klaas & Kock (Case C-118/13) [2015] 1 CMLR 4, [2014] ICR 828, ECJ  
  • C.D. v S.T. (Case C-167/12) [2014] 3 CMLR 15, [2014] ICR D26, ECJ
  • Leth v Republic of Austria (Case C-420/11) [2013] PTSR 805, [2013] 3 CMLR 2, [2013] Env LR 26 ECJ
  • Case C-521/12 Briels v Minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu [2014] PTSR 1120, ECJ
  • Seldon v Clarkson Wright & Jakes [2012] ICR 716, [2012] 2 CMLR 50, [2012] UKSC 16
  • Case C-44/12 Kulikauskas v MacDuff Shellfish & Anr [2011] ICR 48 
  • R (Tate & Lyle) v Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change [2011] ACD 92
  • Cooper v Attorney-General [2011] QB 976, [2010] 3 CMLR 28 
  • R (Downs) v DEFRA [2009] 3 CMLR 46


  • C.D. v S.T. (Case C-167/12) [2014] 3 CMLR 15, [2014] ICR D26, ECJ
  • Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) v Charity Commission [2012] EqLR 1119, [2013] 1 WLR 2105, [2012] UKUT 395 (TCC) 
  • R (Tate & Lyle) v Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change [2011] ACD 92
  • R (Age UK) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2010] ICR 260
  • R (Garnham & Harrison) v Secretary of State for health (2009) 12 CCL Rep 355, [2009] ACD 61


  • R (ClientEarth) v Secretary of State [2015] 1 CMLR 55 (ECJ); [2015] PTSR 909 (Supreme Court and ECJ)
  • R (Tate & Lyle) v Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change [2011] ACD 92
  • Cooper v Attorney-General [2011] QB 976, [2010] 3 CMLR 28 
  • Isle of Anglesey CC v Welsh Ministers [2010] QB 163
  • R (Downs) v DEFRA [2009] 3 CMLR 46
  • R (Buglife) v Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation [2009] Env LR 18
  • Kay v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2008] 1 WLR 2723


  • President of the Methodist Conference v Preston [2013] ICR 833, [2013] UKSC 29 (Supreme Court)
  • C.D. v S.T. (Case C-167/12) [2014] 3 CMLR 15, [2014] ICR D26, ECJ 
  • Seldon v Clarkson Wright & Jakes [2012] ICR 716, [2012] 2 CMLR 50, [2012] UKSC 16
  • Case C-44/12 Kulikauskas v MacDuff Shellfish & Anr [2011] ICR 48 
  • R (Age UK) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills [2010] ICR 260

Media & Entertainment

  • Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd [2001] 2 AC 127 


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